Giulio Regeni

What a shame!

Blundering boffins

Blundering boffins exposed

last updated on April, the 8th. 2016


TWIST-OFF, page 1     

TWIST-OFF, page 2     

Segregation Metal System     



This web site is run and published by a group of students and young graduates from departments of physics of several italian universities.
We were appalled at the statements made by Fabrizio Tamburini and his Team and very upset and disgusted by the way in which his unsubstantiated claims have been passed-off as "scientifically proven discoveries" on many specialized journals and magazines.

We have come together and decided that, for the public interest, it was time to set the records straight.
As scientists, we feel its our duty to inform people about the truth. We strive to ensure that anything we publish is true and accurate.
Our identities must remain secret to prevent our careers from being jeopardized.

This website is published under the provision of the Art. 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1949: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Please, help us to spread the word. Link to us!

Drunk photons and the myth of the electromagnetic vorticity, vorticita elettromagnetiche, momento angolare orbitale, fabrizio tamburini, dipartimento di fisica, universita di padova, astrofisico, university of padua, bo thide, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Sweden, horizontal polarization, vertical polarization, circular polarization, vortex, helix, modulation, multiplex, multiplexing polarizzazione orizzontale, polarizzazione verticale, polarizzazione circolare, vortice, elicoide, modulazione, Angular momentum radio, Reply to Comment on Encoding many channels on the same frequency through radio vorticity: first experimental test,Sub-Rayleigh optical vortex coronagraphy,iShake Mobile Phones as Seismic Sensors, fabrication and testing of phase masks for optical vortex coronagraph to observe extrasolar planets,protesta studentesca contro tagli alla scuola pubblica ed universita, contro i baronaggi e le privatizzazioni.Thidé B. Tamburini F. Then H. Someda C. G. Elletra Mari Parisi G. Spinello F. Romanato Francesco Sponselli A. Bianchini A. Swartzlander G. A. Barbieri A. C. Dashti S. Reilly J. Bray J. D. Bayen A. M. Glaser S. D. Prasciolu M. Massari, M.

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