Blundering boffins

Blundering boffins exposed

last updated on October, the 25th. 2015


TWIST-OFF, page 1     

TWIST-OFF, page 2     

Segregation Metal System     



Naïve theoreticians got their own knickers twisted over radio waves blunder.

An italo-swedish Team hit the headlines when it announced the discovery of the photon orbital angular momentum and its vorticity in the radio frequency spectrum, in a similar way to what it happens with coherent light beams.

(An original research by the University of Glasgow, School of physics, Optics Department.
Later, Martin Bojowald, at Pennsylvania State University, suggested the possibility that the OAM prediction could allow the direct detection of spinning black holes. )

Their "experiment" presented in a scenographic fashion in the venetian lagoon and heralded as having an importance of epic proportion turned out to be a fiasco!

Filippo Romanato, Elettra Mari e Fabrizio Tamburini

Pictured above from left to right: Filippo Romanato,
Elettra Mari on her way to screw-up her own career for good and
Fabrizio Tamburini carrying the symbol of his own ridicule.

The bulk of their unsubstantiated claims is well summarized in the Elettra Mari's own deeply flawed PhD thesis : "With this experiment we have shown that the use of orbital angular momentum states might dramatically increase the capacity of any frequency band, allowing the use of dense coding techniques in each of these new vortex radio channels. This might represent a concrete proposal for the solution of the band saturation problem. Moreover, our experimental findings show that the propagation of the physical properties of twisted radio beams is preserved after the propagation. We found that the spatial phase signature was preserved even in the far-field region and for incoherent non-monochromatic wave beams."  


NATURE, the international weekly magazine of science, is set to lose its credibility after publishing this: too got it-self entangled with it by publishing this:

The IEEE couldn't wait to join in the club:

And the BBC has soon followed suit:

And so did

Even the International Journal of Antennas and Propagation has tripped over it:

The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), which is a digital library portal for researchers in astronomy and physics, operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under a NASA grant, has uncautiously allowed the Drunk photons' Team to publish on its pages. Here is the abstract:
"Wireless communication amounts to encoding information onto physical observables carried by electromagnetic (EM) fields, radiating them into surrounding space, and detecting them remotely by an appropriate sensor connected to an informationdecoding receiver. Each observable is second order in the fields and fulfills a conservation law. In present-day radio only the EM linear momentum observable is fully exploited. A fundamental physical limitation of this observable, which represents the translational degrees of freedom of the charges (typically an oscillating current along a linear antenna) and the fields, is that it is single-mode. This means that a linear-momentum radio communication link comprising one transmitting and one receiving antenna, known as a single-input-single-output (SISO) link, can provide only one transmission channel per frequency (and polarization). In contrast, angular momentum, which represents the rotational degrees of freedom, is multi-mode, allowing an angular-momentum SISO link to accommodate an arbitrary number of independent transmission channels on one and the same frequency (and polarization). We describe the physical properties of EM angular momentum and how they can be exploited, discuss real-world experiments, and outline how the capacity of angular momentum links may be further enhanced by employing multi-port techniques, i.e., the angular momentum counterpart of linear-momentum multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO)."

Last, but not least: the I.T.U. (International Communication Union) thinks it has witnessed an "experiment on Radio Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) with potential for drastic improvement in spectrum efficiency"


To the benefit of all, we have transcribed and translated into english what Fabrizio Tamburini has said on this brief but pregnant videorecording.

N.B.   We have numbered each of his sentences and have placed question marks next to them to indicate all the things that he has stated and taken for granted, although, they have no place in recognised physics.
We suppose Fabrizio Tamburini and his team hold the answers to our questions and so we will be happy to hearing from them.

1)   ... electromagnetic vortices or optical vortices are nothing else than other properties, other degrees of freedom (??? Q1) of the electromagnetic field.
2)   In the same way light has the colour as a property, which gives its energy (??? Q2),
3)   it also has another property: a spatial memory of the source that has emitted it (??? Q3),
4)   and so, as does the electric field that oscillates in time, it can twist it-self within the space of a wavelength, a finite number of times (??? Q4)  ( it is not clear whether he refers to the light or the electric field )
5)   and therefore, (the same) can give some other states of this degree of freedom (??? Q5).
6)   Those (states) are very useful, because they are independent states, like orthogonal colours (??? Q6)
7)   or orthogonal frequencies (??? Q7) ...the classic frequency (??? Q8) individuated by the temporal-vibration of the electromagnetic field.
8)   There are several applications... in astronomy, as we utilize light as the main information vehicle, therefore, the more information we have the more we get to know about our universe, our cosmo. An example?
9)   The most immediate application we can have is both on the detection of the black holes rotation and on the homogeneity and distribution of the interstellar matter.. of the plasma. Though, there are also some more interesting applications related to the every-day life. Recently, we have also carried-out an experiment in San Marco, where we have had in use the Palazzo Ducale as the receiving station and the Compagnia delle vele tower as the transmitting station and
10)   we have succeded in transmitting two channels of radio-transmission on a wi-fi frequency, having discriminated them by their vorticity (??? Q9).
11)   Hence, the vorticities act as independent channels on the same frequency (??? Q10) and onto them it can be applied the multiplexing and the rest,
12)   allowing to multiply the number of channels as much as one would want to exploiting this principle (??? Q11).
13)   theoretically to the infinite (??? Q12), in practice (??? Q13), we can multiply by a factor of 100 (??? Q14), in a reasonable manner (ehehehehehe!), all the channels in a single band of transmission.
14)   There are also some other applications, in optics, in microscopes, in telescopes,
15)   since, utilizing this further information (??? Q15), coded by phase (??? Q16), we can augment the resolution (??? Q17),
16)   and so the capacity of seeing more details, which to date would result in being out of the sight of an ordinary microscope or telescope (??? Q18).


Here below is an article appeared on the news section of the Bristol University school of physics web site, back in June, 2011. What a shame!

An article appeared on the news section of the Bristol University school of physics web site

An article appeared on the news section of the Bristol University school of physics web site

A new type of radio transmitter, based on a general feature of waves identified by Michael Berry and John Nye in 1974, has been invented by Fabrizio Tamburini of Padova and Bo Thide of Uppsala. On Friday 24 June it was launched at a splendid though somewhat surreal ceremony in the Palazzo Ducale in Venice, culminating in a string-and-sealing-wax demonstration in which signals were sent to the Palace from a lighthouse on the other side of the Canale di San Marco.

The transmission channel uses a parabolic dish with a helicoidal deformation, that creates a wave with a phase singularity a radio-wave vortex. At the receiver, two phased antennas can distinguish this signal from one transmitted simultaneously using a conventional dish. The demonstration, which had worked perfectly all day during tests, almost failed on the night because winds misaligned the transmitter. But at the last moment, and to applause from an expectant crowd, a high note was transmitted on one channel and a low note on the other, with the discrimination between them being authenticated by hard-nosed ham local radio enthusiasts.

To physicists this is a clever trick using interference, but industrialists from the satellite broadcasting industry who were present at the ceremony saw it differently: a potentially lucrative way to double the number of channels that can be transmitted at each frequency while conserving precious bandwidth.

Image thanks to Professor Sir Michael Berry: twisting radio waves across the Canale di San Marco.


Fabrizio Tamburini - Universita' di Padova - Fotoni ubriachi

March 2010, in this interview given to a journalist from RAI's TG-Leonardo, Fabrizio Tamburini, in an attempt to describe what he thinks they have found, talks about "drunk photons". Unfortunally, it wasn't the photons to be drunk at that time!


February the 14th. 2011. Fabrizio Tamburini interviewed by the I.N.A.F. confesses having him-self hammered hard at paraboloidal reflectors in order to make special antennas out of them.  


Fabrizio Tamburini at the Telecom Italia, Future Center - Venice

April the 21st. 2011. Fabrizio Tamburini being celebrated as the father of something heralded as an historical discovery, at the Telecom Italia's Future Center in the ancient monastery of San Salvador near Rialto in Venice.



June the 24th. 2011. Filippo Romanato on this occasion claims they have produced "useful inventions". However, none of what he has envisaged has found a practical application to date, nor they have made any further attempt to demonstrate what they claim.


O' BREVETTONE - by Fabrizio Tamburini et al.

March the 2nd. 2012. Fabrizio Tamburini interviewed by the I.N.A.F. states they have filed an "huge patent application".  


Fabrizio Tamburini - Ca' Farsetti - Venezia

March the 8th. 2012. On this other occasion, during a press conference in Cà Farsetti - Venice, Fabrizio Tamburini, states that their experiment, as carried out over the venetian lagoon, has been validated by the "European institute of physics in London". Unfortunally, there is no such an institute by that name in London, nor elsewhere!


For their unsubstantiated claims the Team has come under fire from several scientists, who have adopted different approaches to the matter according to their own field of expertise.

Boffins biff over 'twisted radio'

Comment on "Encoding many channels on the same frequency through radio vorticity: first experimental test " by Michele Tamagnone, Christophe Craeye and Julien Perruisseau-Carrier

Twisted Radio Waves and Twisted Thermodynamics by: Laszlo B. Kish, Robert D. Nevels

'Twisted light' data-boosting idea sparks heated debate

"Something not worth the paper it's written on",   was the harsh comment on this issue by Francesco Errante, from Radiondistics.


Italian university to join the race for actively damaging the image of the scientific research in Italy!

Overwhelmingly enthusiastic boffins
managed to make a world-wide
unvoluntary hoax announcement.

Naïve theoreticians from the Department of physics and astronomy of the University of Padua and the Swedish Institute of Space Physics have covered themselves with ridicule after claiming they have found a way to force photons to follow an helicoidal trajectory in the free space, in a circular-vortex-like fashion, by simply getting a conventionally generated plain wavefront to bounce back off a portion of a purposefully distorted paraboloidal reflector (pictured below).

Naïve theoretician from the University of Padua and the Swedish Institute of Space Physics have covered themselves with ridicule after claiming they have found a way to force photons to follow an helicoidal trajectory in the free space, in a circular-vortex-like fashion, by simply getting a conventionally generated plain wavefront to bounce back off a portion of a purposefully distorted paraboloidal reflector

Naïve theoretician from the University of Padua and the Swedish Institute of Space Physics have covered themselves with ridicule after claiming they have found a way to force photons to follow an helicoidal trajectory in the free space, in a circular-vortex-like fashion, by simply getting a conventionally generated plain wavefront to bounce back off a portion of a purposefully distorted paraboloidal reflector

They have also claimed that by doing so, a number of radio carrier signals having identical frequency could travel on the same path and direction by means of circular vortex-like trajectory differing from each other only by the phase of their vortex, each carrying a different set of informations, thus obtaining more channels in the same frequency.
According to the informations I gathered, they have conducted some seriously ill-conceived and ill-deviced experiments with the assistance of a few italian radio amateurs, instead of hiring proper microwave engineers.
Owing to their lack of competence and expertise, the italo-swedish Team has blatantly failed to comprehend the results and its own mistakes. Needless to say: their "experiment" on the venetian lagoon turned out to be a fiasco!



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Drunk photons and the myth of the electromagnetic vorticity, vorticita elettromagnetiche, momento angolare orbitale, fabrizio tamburini, dipartimento di fisica, universita di padova, astrofisico, university of padua, bo thide, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Sweden, horizontal polarization, vertical polarization, circular polarization, vortex, helix, modulation, multiplex, multiplexing polarizzazione orizzontale, polarizzazione verticale, polarizzazione circolare, vortice, elicoide, modulazione, Angular momentum radio, Reply to Comment on Encoding many channels on the same frequency through radio vorticity: first experimental test,Sub-Rayleigh optical vortex coronagraphy,iShake Mobile Phones as Seismic Sensors, fabrication and testing of phase masks for optical vortex coronagraph to observe extrasolar planets,protesta studentesca contro tagli alla scuola pubblica ed universita, contro i baronaggi e le privatizzazioni.Thidé B. Tamburini F. Then H. Someda C. G. Elletra Mari Parisi G. Spinello F. Romanato Francesco Sponselli A. Bianchini A. Swartzlander G. A. Barbieri A. C. Dashti S. Reilly J. Bray J. D. Bayen A. M. Glaser S. D. Prasciolu M. Massari, M.

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